

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Zacks little world of his!

We always see that Zacks  gone, so we look for him and this is what we find.

 My Bild- A- Bear, Mazie, has some sunglasses and glasses, so Zack tried them on.  

 We were doing corn, and some of the corn was in the sink. They were all clean and every thing, so I look at him, he was eating some of the corn!

 Then he took a treat and opened it. 
 That is his FAVORITE little blankly. He want let any one take it!   

 He is in his Halloween costume.
 This him sleeping!

 We all went outside, and we came in and saw this, he calmed into the dishwasher. 

 Zacks favorite parson in the world in grandpa Kaze. He is always happy when he comes over!  

 He thinks that that thing is a vacume.
 He LOVES Eating!

 That is his B-day sundae.

Zack is our little monkey!

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