

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Our St. Patrick's day.

This is last years picture.
Well, we have no pictures of St. Patrick's day, so I will just tell you in words. We got up and got in the shower, and got our green on. Then me, Audrey, and Zack went outside, I wanted to do a scavenger hunt for my dad, it did not turn out so good.(I tell you in a minute.) Then I put the papers where they were going, then we played for like 2 to 3 hours then it started to rain. So I got all of the papers and went inside. So, Zack was watching his FAVORITE show in the world. That would be Sesame Street. And me and Audrey was playing in our room. Then my mom started to yell,"GIRLS GET YOUR SHOES ON!!!!!!" We were like,"Okay," then I asked what the matter was.  And she said,"Dads truck gust broke down." So I got Zack's shoes on him and we got in the truck. My dad did not go in the freeway, so we had to go the long way. It took us FOR EVER!!!!! Then we found him driving really slow on the road. Then him and my mom tried to get the truck on the trailer. But it did not work out, the truck was to big! So, the closest house that we knew of was Adrian's in laws house. So we went to their Ranch. So we went there and got there trailer. So the truck fits on the the trailer. So we were going home, and I was so HUNGRY that I could eat two BIG whales! But, the good news was that we were going to my grandmas house. Then we ate there, I  was stuffed! Then we got home like at 10:00. And I was still in our truck, and I heard Zoe.(Our dog) She is so NOISY!!!  Then we went to bed, but my dad still did not do chores. So he came in at 10:25ish. So, our St. Patrick's was not how I thought it would be!

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