

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Will summer ever come?

I gust got to say, our family LOVES summer. If you can see all of the pictures down there, you can see that we LOVE summer. But right now, it is cold and frozen. Well, mostly cold. Yesterday was so hot and warm! It felt so good!  Do you like summer? We do. Mostly me. Because there is now school, its hot, get to play with friends more often, and best of all, you get to stay up late! So see why we LOVE summer!  

 My feet felt soooooooo good!

 Those are my moms plants!

 Mots of all, we LOVE trowing water at each other as a family! 

 That was a letter back in those days!

 We use to LOVE playing baseball, but now, now way! I like soccer and cerring!

 That was at my uncles wedding!
 That was at a show!

 We were going to a rodeo, but when we looked in the truck, someone was sitting in my dads set!

 That was the day after the rodeo. It was sooooooo fun!

Our cat was so small, but now, his a little bigger!
Bye Bye!

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