

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Our little "Cars" lover!

Okay,  almost everyone now's that Zack is a Car LOVER!!!!!  When he now's that we are watching a movie, he runs and you now what he gets. We watch it so much times, that me and Audrey has that movie in our heads. So if you want to now what Cars is all about, come right over. And he ALWAYS hogs the popcorn, and I get some, but not that much. So, see how much Zack LOVES Cars!   
 I have some pictures of the movie!

 He has a book of them.


 And he has PJ's of them.

 And, he LOVES his hat!!!!

 Then, he has a coloring book to.
 I like this picture! :)  ;)
Oh, and he is an Elmo lover to, but that is a different story. So, if you see Zack, DO NOT say anything about cars. It is for your on good!  ;)  

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