

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Sad to say it, but we have 1 dog.  :( So we have 1 Toy Shepard, her name is Zoe! She was scared at first but when we sold Dolly, she is so hypper ( I loved that Dolly so MUCH!!!) Today we went outside and Zoe ran right out to catch us. It was funny because she ran in and out of the cage that we have outside and she ran in circles and ran as fast as she could. ( She can run fast.) My mom took these pictures.     

                                       It is so cute to see her try to get on the couch. She can't even get on the couch! And she can't even get on Audrey's bed!!

                           Bye Bye. Oh my dad has a blog, go to it. It is named White Lake Farms! Go to it please!

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