My B-day is Thursday, I thought that I can do a B-day thing now.
Food: Pizza
Ice cream: cookiedoo and mint
Clolor: Lime and white
Game: Clue
Fav. friend: Kinzie and Josalen
Fav movie: Finding Nemo
Fav animal: White tiger and Dolly ( My Fav Dog in the whole world!)
Fav bug: BEE!!!!!
Fag thing to do: Go tubing and go on a trip with my dad!
Fav show: Tom and Jerry and Man tracker
Fav dinner: Ramen and hamburger helper
Fav toy: DS and Zoe! (she's a toy shepherd)
Fav dog: Dolly and Buddy
Fav cat: Twlight
Fav horse: Mager
Fav time: 3:15 ( that is when school is out!)
Fav day: Wed. and Fri. (Wed is early out and Fri is when the week end comes!)
Here is Pic about me!!!!
That is Kinzie
Bye Bye!!!
Happy birthday Whitney! Hope you have a great day! We love you!