

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Christmas Eve and Christmas!

                                 For X-Eve we went to my grandmas, we have partners to give presents to                                                               someone in our family. We had Caelsie's  family, and Kylies family had us, got a fort, a poem and a game Spot It. Then my grandma has this  movie game, we got The Smurfs, Were the Wild Things Are, 17 Miracles, and BIG MIGHTY  MACHINES! ( That was Zacks.)   The Smurf was mine,( The movies can only be stolen once) My dad number was right after mine, so he toke mine and toke The Smurfs from someone, it was token twice! Dad got 17  Miracles, Mom got Were the Wild Things Are, Audrey got a Bild-a-bear, and Zack got BIG MIGHTY MACHINES!!!!  Then we got warm PJ's, I was the only one who got blue PJ's!!!!

                                                   That was when we were doing the movie thing.

                                                             CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)


BYE BYE!!!!! See you in a little!

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