

Friday, July 30, 2010

Play dough rocks!!

For craft day we made PLAY DOUGH!! it was fun

all the play dough

my butterfly

ALIEN!!! Don`t worry it`s mine 

bye folks bye bye

Hot dog face

I was going to eat a hot dog instead I played with it see
I`s funny & cool
bye folks bye bye peace!!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dragon fly`s rocks

Me & Audrey went to play then I said DRAGON FLY!!! Where where where where  on the screen where there there there!!!

Bye folks bye bye

Friday, July 23, 2010

Audrey & Zack

Audrey & Zack were playing in the pool. Zack loved to splash in the pool. He got mom all wet  

I peed in the pool

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Miss Scientist

My dad was working in the garage then I saw the super goggles  
I took the pictures in the bathroom  
bye folks bye bye

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Playing in the hose!

Zack was playing in the hose it is cool. He thinks its cool & fun. Mom let he because it was like 90%  it was HOT HOT HOT it was fun

COOOOOLD  & cute to

Monday, July 19, 2010

Girls Camp

My mom went Girls Camp & we to some places like OK I`l till you we went to The Devils Kitchen!! & we looked at cool,cool flowers!! & we played in the river it was so fun thanks Dad we love you bye folks bye bye bye

The Chicken poxs

Me & my sister have the chicken pox's. I hate the chicken pox's because we cant play with any body.I hate it so, so,so much  
My chicken pox`s
bye folks bye bye

sleep over with Avrie

Fri. Avrie came sleep at my house, ya my house. The 1st thing  we did was play with the cats then we played lost kids. We  made a fort to.Then we ask if we can do tie dye she side when dad gets home then we played with the cats for 1 hour we picked some peas. Then finally dad came home, tie dye time. After that we watched Nims Island! after that we weren't tired so we were laughing so hard that we had to watch Penelope! then we played puppets then the next day we were playing & laughing we played with the cats when we were watering i saw Max i said Avrie guess what Avrie said what, I said max  is dead! poor Max. We were riding our horse then we watched Night at the Museum. Then Avrie went home bye folks bye bye

our tie dyes

My tie dye
I hate bunny ears soooooooooooo much! I mean hate it  
P.S Avrie loves the cats!
riding the horse

Me riding the horse

this is Avries crown!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Blog day!

The day Avrie came over i got a BLOG!. I think it is so cool i never had a blog before. Il write every thing on it!. like our cats & Zack / Audrey / mom & dad . Bye folks bye bye!!!