

Saturday, July 28, 2012

I HATE the wind!

We were reading, then Audrey said that she thinks that the clubhouse was going the fall over, well she was right! :( 

But if the clubhouse was not there, there would be a lot of space.

His a big boy now!

Well, when me and my mom was making dinner, I found this. Zack was ridding our horse.
He thought it was so cool!   

They grow up so fast!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

My Camp!

I had a BLAST!!!!!!!! I went to camp with my friends, Jenna and Kinzie. There was 3 cabins, the mane cabin, (oak cabin.) The maple cabin.( not the one we staid in tho.) And, last but not lest  the Pine Cabin!!!!!
(It is the best ever! That cabin has PJ party's!!!!!) I met new friends. I'll name them, Kinzie, Jenna, Maddie, Megen, Jentry, Nikkie and Lindsey . Oh, there was a bear that crossed our camp, it was in the garbage.  

 This is Lindsey's hair.
 We slept up stairs, so these are the stairs.  
 This is downstairs. 
 This is a video 
 This is  were you play shadow ball.
 Here is some pictures of me and my friends.

 Maddie is the one who is in most of the picture.
 The have big fires!

 One of the leaders brought there kid, and a mask. 
 In the morning.

 I got this when I got home.