

Monday, April 30, 2012

On the road again!!!

Well, I am a daddy's girl, so I went to California with him. It was ALLOT of driving, but you get use to it. I had the most fun ever. And I had the best luck "ever," my movie thing shut down on me, my Ipad was out of batteries, and my DS was out of batteries to. So I was so "LUCKY". (NOT) Oh, and oune more thing, we bought a thing to charge my DS, but  it did not fight into my DS, but it did into the truck. Oh, and Rex did not come, but Loyd did.  We stopped a few times. 

 This is Nevada everybody!!!

 We went though some of these.

 This is California!! 

 We had some snow up there.

 If you can see that cricked post, it has a funny story to it. Let me tell you, Last year when I did not came, but Rex did, they were getting some gas, and Rex ran into it, and I think that they said that he had to 500$. So my dad had to call Rex up and tell him, my dad said that he saw a cricked post. Rex thought that he ran to a post, but he did not. And it was the same person that worked there. 
 We went to Denny's to eat, it was so cool and the food was so good!

 We went and looked for a Motel. (That had a swimming pool) Of course.  

 That morning, we went to get breakfast. 

 There was allot of bees there. It was like my Heaven.

 When I went to go pick an orange I saw these things.  

 This is the place were we had to figured out how much they cost. (The bees) 

Round 2

 That GPS in the left corner is called Tom Tom. 


BYE BYE!!!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Just say I didn't do it........

One day I got mad at Audrey, so I asked her that am going to tie her up. So she ran but she had bad luck. So, I'm shocked that she let me. :) I did her feet, her head, her mouth, her eyes, and her arms. 

HE HE HE. But hay, she let me! So, it is not my fault.