

Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Day at Salt Lake!

My dad got a day of and we did to! So we went to the Hogle Zoo and other places. We had so much fun! In that cage is an armadillo.  Zack was so happy. I thought it was so cool!
                             I LOVED the Giraffes! They were so COOL!!!!!!!!! But we only got this pic. 
                                          Moms fav. is the elephants. They were cool. They had a new baby elephant.  
Audrey LOVED the camels. One of them had three humps, One had one. :(
It was like Dinosaur mouth or something.

There was a place with fossils! It was so cool!

Zack couldn't go on the thing, but me and Audrey can, so we yelled at Zack from the thing.

We got lunch and dad said that we could raid the train that dads friends work on. It was so COOL!

                                                                  We went to the Salt Lake Temple. It was so ASOME!!

                                               BYE BYE!!!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I Love Bees

You know how we have bees? Well ever since we had those things I loved them!!
This is my project!!

This is our old honey tag!!!!
                                                             And this one!!!!!
                                                   That bee is my stuffed bee. his name is Twitch!!!

I like these hives

                                                  And these bees to!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Its all about 'ME!!!!'

I have not did a post until right now, so I'm going to tell you about me!!!

Hair = Brown
Eyes = Brown
fav. food = pizza
fav. show = Tom & Jerry, and Mantracher!
Fav. Dessert = Home Made Ice Cream!
Fav. thing to do  = Go do bees with my dad!
Fav. person = dad
fav. game = girls chase boys & play volley ball with Eric ( My uncle)
fav. Ice cream = cookie dough
Fav. coler = sky blue,white, & lime! 

                                                 This is my project !!!

                                                                            this was me when I was 7 or 8!!

                                             This is when I did my Nail's!!!!!

                                                                This was crazy hair day!!!!

                                                                        just me!!!!!
                                                             I LOVE tubing!!!! Its so fun!!!!


                                             We were doing stuff with rocks

                                                         This was me when I was a baby!!

                                                            This is my apple!!!

                                                         wear the most pink day!!!  ( I won!!!)

                                                                 We went swimming with Avery!!!

                                                              My dad did something!!!